Patient-Centered Medical Home
What is Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH)?
A Patient-Centered Medical Home is a clinic in which doctors provide care for patients using a team approach. The team, which is made up of many different professionals, helps to ensure that patients are provided the best care at the right time and in the right setting. This helps improve care, improve health, enhance safety and lower health care costs.
In a Patient-Centered Medical Home:
Patients are full partners in making decisions about their care.
All health care providers you see will know what is going on with your health because they communicate with each other. This includes other providers you may see, such as specialists, who are not located at our clinic.
You will not have the same medical tests over and over because your results are shared among all providers.
There is more focus on preventing sickness and keeping you healthy.
In addition, you will have a Patient Care Coordinator, who will:
Call you to schedule screenings, and other tests you may need to help you stay healthy.
Ask for information about tests you may have had at other clinics to ensure that your medical record is complete.
Schedule follow-up appointments.
Answer questions you may have about the medicine that you are taking.
Help ensure you understand all of the instructions your doctor gave you.
We are proud to be a Patient-Centered Medical Home and look forward to being your health partner!
NOTE: If you see a doctor at another clinic, be sure to have all of your medical information sent to us so that we have a complete health record for you!
Family Medical Center of Hastings is part of the SERPA-ACO (Southeast Rural Physicians Alliance Accountable Care Organization), a group of independent Family Medicine Clinics in Nebraska, serving as Patient-Centered Medical Homes. Click here to learn more!