Pregnancy Care & Obstetrics
All of our physicians are able to provide pregnancy and obstetrical care. It is recommended that you come into our office for a pregnancy test as soon as you think you may be pregnant. Once you have a positive pregnancy test, you will need to see your physician around 8 to 12 weeks into your pregnancy. At this time an initial obstetric exam and ultrasound are performed. You may need to be seen sooner depending on your provider’s preference and your past medical history.
Throughout your 1st and 2nd trimester you will be seen for obstetrical care once a month. Another ultrasound around 20 to 24 weeks gestational age will be performed to make sure your pregnancy is progressing appropriately. At this time, if you wish, you may find out if your little one is a boy or a girl (as long as baby is in proper position and cooperating)!
During your last trimester you will need to be seen more frequently.
We have four providers in our office that provide obstetrical care. You can choose from Dr. Reimer, Dr. Zimmerman, Dr. Schram or Dr. Pritchard. All of these physicians are trained in all aspects of obstetrical care. This includes vaginal deliveries, cesarean deliveries and VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).
If you are contemplating pregnancy or are pregnant, please contact your physician right away so you can start taking prenatal vitamins.